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Form A: Cover Sheet



Total Amount Requested from CRDF/GRDF ($35,000 maximum)

$ 35000

Length of Project

(18-24 months)


General Scientific Area

(Select from Appendix 1)

Geological Sciences and Engineering



(Select from Appendix 1)

Environmental Science


Brief descriptive title of proposal (not to exceed twenty-five words)

“Manufacturing, installation and study of the major parameters of experimental model of the new type bio-energy unit and preparation of technical documentation for its wide application”.



Full Name (Last, First, Patronymic)

Sulamanide Nugzar David



Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address

NGO Ecotech,

Vaja Pshavela ave, quart 7, block 5b, suit 30

Georgian Principal Investigator

E-Mail Address

Web Page Address


Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)


Passport Number


Sex (Male or Female)


Highest Degree Earned


Field of Degree

Vibro acoustics

Year Awarded


Telephone #

(995 93) 279641 

Fax # (995 32) 250313


Georgian Institutional Representative Name and Title (May NOT be Georgian PI)

Maija Dolidze, deputy-chairman

 Email Address

Has the PI received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

If “Yes,” please list program and grant number.


Does the PI have experience in weapons-related subjects?


No x

If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.


Space simulators, radio-electronic equipment, optical backsight for riffle weapon.

Total Number of Georgia-based investigators on the project, including Georgian Principal Investigator




Full Name (Last, First, Middle)

Kanwar, Rameshwar Singh


Professor and Chair

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address


Iowa State University

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 104 Davidson Hall,Ames,Iowa 50011,USA


U.S. Principal Investigator E-Mail

Web Page Address

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


(Must Check One)         Permanent Resident           X  US Citizen

Sex (Male or Female)


Highest Degree Earned


Field of Degree

Agricultural Engineering

Year Awarded


Telephone #


Fax # 515-294-6633


U.S. Institutional Representative Name & Title

Thane Peterson


U.S. Institutional Representative Address

15Pearson Hall,Iowa State University

SAmes,Iowa 50011





Have you received a grant under a previous CRDF program?


No  X

If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Total Number of U.S.-based investigators, including U.S. Principal Investigator



SIGNATURES- Required only for hardcopies submitted to GRDF

Georgian Principal Investigator Signature

Sulamanidze Nugzar



Georgian Institutional Representative Signature

Dolidze Maia



U.S. Principal Investigator Signature

Ramesh Kanwar




Title: “Manufacturing, installation and study of the major parameters of experimental model of the new type bio-energy unit and preparation of technical documentation for its wide application”.

Objective of the project presented for consideration consists in manufacturing of two experimental models of the bio-energy combine based on original design biogas apparatus developed by the authors earlier in the year 2003 and protected by authorship rights certificate, issued by Sakpatenti (Patent Department of Georgia) (Bulletin 5, page 28, application AP 20033052); their installation in pre-selected farms followed by the series of observations with the purpose of identification of energy and environmental parameters of the unit, as well as preparation of technical documentation for their wide application.

The drawings of the new unit (bio-energy combine) have already been developed by the project team. The unit will consist of the following main components: the bioreactor itself and the heliosystem which is to ensure optimum working temperature of biogas in the range of 28-35oC. So, for the first time inGeorgia bio-energy apparatus operating in mesophilic regime will be introduced, whereas 120 bio-apparatus operating at the moment are based on psychophilic principle.

Participants. The project will be performed by 1) Ecotech (leading institution), which under the cooperation agreement with the laboratory of analytical chemistry of Tbilisi State University, will deploys the scientific facilities of the latter; 2) Scientific firm Gamma, acting as associate in the scientific studies; 3) Ltd Khalibi - responsible for manufacturing of the unit.

Results. For the first time inGeorgia the study of bio energy unit operating in mesophilic regime will be performed. Energy and environmental characteristics of the unit will be studied. Technical documentation for wide application of the device will be developed in AutoCAD format.   


a)                  The approach, objectives, milestones, and measurements of success that will be used.


Approach.Georgia is agricultural country with restricted energy resources which uses to face permanent energy problems. One of the most feasible ways to resolve the problem is utilization of biogas. At the moment about a half of the rural population inGeorgia s involved in cattle breeding. Because of the limited size of the land plots available to a family (usually under 1.5ha) the livestock is generally restricted to 4-5 heads. In these conditions small (4m3) biogas units may ameliorate the situation. 

Objective of the project presented for consideration consists in manufacturing of two experimental models of a bio-energy combine. Their installation in pre-selected farms followed by the series of observations with the purpose of identification of energy and environmental parameters of the unit, as well as preparation of technical documentation for their wide application.

Bio-energy Combine – basic information. The bio-energy combine suggested in the project is a combination of several units (Figure A) and includes bioreactor (1a), heliosystem (2a), tank for processed solution (3a), tank for accumulation of produced gas (gasholder) (4a).



Figure A.


Originality of the bio-energy combine is proved by authorship certificate issued for the main of the device – the biogas apparatus (Bulletin 5, page 28, application AP 20033052).



Figure B.

The layout of the device is given in Figure B. It consists of cylindrical body (1b) which is divided into two parts by means of partition (2b). The body is mounted ratably (8b) on a support (4b) by means of a shaft (3b) passed through. The shaft is hollow and has an intake pipe for wastes and an outlet pipe (5b) for fermented mass. The unit is equipped with an outlet pipe (6b) for biogas and a gate (7b).

For the given project some changes in the mentioned design are made.

In particular, the main unit is now placed in thermally insulated casing (5a). The bearing pipe acts as an inlet of the working solution (from one end) and an outlet of processes material (from another end), while the central part of the pipe, which is closed from the both sides, is filled up with technical oil heated by means of the electric heating element. The partition is hollow. In the chamber inside of the latter water heated by means of the heliosystem is circulating. The warm water and gas heated by electric heating element provide stabile temperature of the biomass 28-350C which ensures mesophylic regime of operation. (Note: heating of technical oil mentioned above is used as a reserve option for ensuring required temperature of the biomass in case if solar energy is not enough). 

The unit is equipped with thermocouple and sampling unit.

To the both ends of the bearing pipe reinforced rubber pipes (6a) are attached. Despite of the curved shape these pipes do not hinder rotation of the carcass around the bearing pipe (revolution angle ±3200). The unit is rotated at regular intervals (for instance after the new portion of biomass is added). Rotation is accomplished by means of winch (7a) and the metal rope. Rotation is required to avoid formation of the solid crust on the surface of the biomass which hinders the process of methane boiling. Rotation enables to elude the crust and predetermines high efficiency of the unit.

Originality of the bioenergy combine as a whole is that it acts as accumulator of the solar energy. In case of the ordinary design the unit works in phsycophylic regime (a certain volume of gas -V is formed), in the new design this process transforms into the mesophylic regime, i.e. in conditions of the same unit and the same material enables to produce additional DV volume of biogas which can easily be accumulated and used. So we now have a simple accumulator of thermal energy which itself is unique.

The main stages of the project are: manufacturing of the unit, assembling/installation, start up, study of energy and environmental parameters and preparation of technical documentation for wide application. (see Gant chart overleaf.)

Besides, in cooperation with theUS party a scientific paper and patent application will be prepared. This can be considered as the measurement of success. The main stage of the project will be a research.

Scope of studies. The research will include study of the processes by means of chemical analysis.

Methane boiling of organic material is a multi-component and a multi-stage process in which many types of bacteria are taking part. Despite the fact that many studies are dedicated to this phenomenon, because of its complexity many aspects still need to be investigated in order to enable optimization of the process.

With this purpose, taking into account design of the plant, character of the raw material and other factors, studied will be influence of temperature, pressure and other factors on productivity – volume of produced methane and output of the plant.

In organic fertilizer, the residue product of the methane boiling, along with traditional components (ammonium, nitrates and phosphates) evaluated/studied will be the quantities of organic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus.

Generated gas, together with methane will contain 20-40% of carbon dioxide and about 1% of hydrogen sulphate, which have adverse effect on the gas quality (low caloricity, low pressure, formation/eьmission of SO2). Therefore, studied will be economical expediency of simple methods for purification (removal of impurities) from generated  biogas. 

According to our plan 4m3 capacity metal biogas plant will me manufactured and tested. Taking into account the situation inGeorgia (meant is limited land per rural household), where only 60% of farmers have 4¸5 heads of cattle, this is the optimum volume of the biogas required for the family. Optimum temperature  for 4m3 biogas plant, as calculated by prof.Linke (Agrotechnical University of Potsdam, Germany) is 34°C.

The study is to verify this figure and define technical parameters which will provide maximum energy efficiency of the device.

The second direction of the study will be evaluation of environmental parameters through the study of pollution level of the surface run off. It is well known that cattle and poultry breeding causes pollution of surface and ground water. The problem can be solved by using the manure in biogas units. This will help to dispose of the manure not letting contamination of  surface or ground water from the manure stored in the open air.

In order to evaluate efficiency of the apparatus four farms with similar impact on environmental have been selected. In two of them the experimental models of the biogas generator will be installed, the other two will act as control. Waste water from all selected farms will be tested. Based on these data environmental efficiency of the unit will be assessed.

Drawings of the unit are already developed by the project team. After the units are manufactured and tested the drawing will be relevantly amended. One of the outcomes of the project will be technical documentation in AutoCAD format which will be a basis for industrial manufacturing of the device.

The number of farmers with 3¸5 heads of cattle exceeds 70000, which is majority of the farm households available.

At the moment under the project funded by the World Bank about 120 biogas units are built. These are “construction type” apparatus with the volume about 10 m3 which can be used in the households with 8-10 heads of the livestock. However, the number of such farms inGeorgia is not high (below 10%). So, the most part of the farmers is left out of the process. For them installation of suggested type of industrially produced biogas units is more efficient. In this view, this project will be the precondition of the process.

Another factor showing environmental benefit from introduction of the biogas equipment is preservation of green plantations. SinceGeorgia is not rich in energy resources, keeping in mind that the price of energy carriers is high and that the country is facing energy crises rural population finds itself in especially hard situation. In these circumstances despite of administrative sanctions the rural dwellers continue illegal wood cutting since the wood is practically the only feasible source of energy for them. Against this background the role of the biogas apparatus is invaluable. 4m3 of gas is enough for cooking for 4 member family. Use of the biogas will reduce demand of the family in fire wood and thus protect green plantations from extinction. This is especially important in mountain regions where deforestation calls forth intensification of such hazardous processes as soil erosion. So, the biogas unit will have the following three environmental benefits: it will reduce pollution of surface and ground water, protect forests, and exclude the processes favouring soil erosion. 





Gant chart

Equipping of the biogas unit with heliosystem, which ensures preservation of thermal regime in the biomass by means of the water heated by the solar battery, enables to consider the unit as an accumulator of energy. Without heating preservation of constant temperature in the biogas unit is impossible. At the same time, it has been evaluated that reduction of the temperature to 200 will reduce productivity of the unit by 50%. Thus, doubled efficiency of the unit, feasibility of accumulation of the gas and easiness of storing enables to accumulate the solar energy and use it when necessary (storing method – in cylinders). This phenomenon is also worth to mention since accumulation of solar energy is a pressing technical issues itself. So, we can say that implementation of the project will suggest one of the easiest ways to resolve this problem.

By launching the experimental models of the biogas combine and study of the processes there, identified will be efficiency, reliability of the new type of the unit, labour-output ratio of its manufacturing, energy parameters, environmental efficiency of the device, developed will be technical documentation, user manuals for wide application of the biogas combine necessity of which is predetermined by the multitude of the small farms, shortage of energy resources and necessity for introduction of environmental protection measures. 


b) How the individual and combined competencies of the Georgian andU.S. research team will enable the project to be carried out, and what relevant prior work has been carried out by members of the team

The project team was established in 1999. In 1999-2001 the joint project (World Bank grant CGS.99.01.02) “Working out Rehabilitative Methods of Erosion Soil (using of the stone-fruits), Arrange of the Planting Industry andPlantation of theForest in the Model Plots in the Central Region (Terjola Region) ofWest Georgia” was carried out.

In the year 2002 the World Bank funded the contract (PCC-LS-F-027) - Environmental pollution reduction - Soil, Ground Water and River Quality Monitoring Programme - Chkhorotsku, Tsalenjikha and Khobi Regions.

In 2003-2004 the new series of works under the same name (contract PC-LS-F-029) continued.

In the year 2004 the new World Bank project (CGS-04.09) “Introduction and Wide Application of method for Protection of Soil from Water Related Erosion by Means of Perennial Plant Belts in Khelvachauri Region” commenced.

Besides, in 2002-2003 by the Georgian team with the aid of the grant money from the third sector “Horizonti” foundation developed was the model for sustainable development of theAragvi River basin.

In most of these  projects prof.R.Kanwar is/was acting as consultant . 





c). The anticipated results of the project


By implementation of the project for the first time original design metallic biogas unit will be manufactured and tested. To avoid formation of the solid crust on the surface of the biomass the cylindrical body of the unit will periodically be turned round the horizontal axis. Rotation will increase productivity of the unit.

Water heated by mean of the solar battery will ensure stable temperature of the biomass in 28-350C limits. This, for the first time inGeorgia, will enable to operate the unit in mesophilic regime.

Study of the experimental model of the new bioenergy combine will enable to evaluate its output, energy and environmental parameters. Based on the analysis of the data assessed will be economical benefit from industrial manufacturing and introduction of the new type device for 70000 small farms inGeorgia.

Along with the report on the studies, the “output” of the project will be technical documentation and operation manual.

Based on results of the study, by the Georgian andUS party, a scientific paper and patent application will be prepared. The results can be used by theUS party for technical assistance to the countries with similar toGeorgia climatic and economic conditions.


d)   Equipment to be utilized in the project.

Technical/scientific facilities owned by the participants (laboratory of analytical chemistry ofTbilisi State University; laboratory complex of scientific research firm Gamma) enable to carry out the planned research. Despite the fact that upgrading of the technical base might be advisable, because of the limited funds only purchasing of reagent is envisioned.


e)    How the Georgian and U.S. Principal Investigators will coordinate project implementation and assess progress at regular intervals. 

Georgian team and US Principal Investigator have a long term experience of cooperation obtained during the joint implementation of the World Bank funded grants and projects. This enables to ensure coordinated and efficient activities at all stages of the project. It should be mentioned that objectives, tasks, and the aspects of technical implementation of the project were coordinated with prof.R.Kanwar during his visit toGeorgia under the World Bank project in the year 2003. 

Two visits of theUS collaborators are planned. Purpose – coordination of the volume and scope of works. Besides, in the middle of the research period 10 day visit of the principal investigator (Georgian side) to theUS is envisioned.   

Curriculum Vitae

Sulamanidze Nugzar


Personal details


Name: Sulamanidze Nugzar

Date of Birth: 10.12.1937

Marital status: Married

Nationality: Georgian

Address: 51, Chavchavadze av., block 2,Apt 26

Tbilisi 380062Georgia

Tel: (+995 32) 308587

Mobile: (+995 93)279641



Educational Background


PolytechnicInstitute ofGeorgia;  Faculty of mechanics-machine building






Candidate of technical sciences


NGO Ecotech


Grant CGS 99.01.02 of GEF Conduct of water and soil Monitoring in the region (Terjola) ofWest Georgia in order to research environmental pollution by small farm industry,  manager


Monitoring of  theKhobi River and its tributaries, World bank project


The institute of environmental  protection of the Ministry of Environmental and natural resources protection


Central scientific-research institute #30 of the Ministry of defenseRussia, Noginsk, Constructive-engineer



Published Works


56 scientific papers, among them relevant to the project:

1. N. Sulamanidze et al, On dynamic analyses of multi section vibro-insulating platform, Reports of Georgian Technical University, #6(422), pp 40-45, 1998

2. N. Sulamanidze et al, Structure and dynamics of vibrosafe models of suspended grinding machines, Problems of Applied Mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, #1, p42-47, 2000

3. N. Sulamanidze et al, On the issue of synthesis of parameters of vibro-insulating platform with dynamic oscillation absorber, Reports of Georgian Technical University, #2(441), pp 88-93, 2002

4. N. Sulamanidze et al, Organic and biogenic substances in theKhobi River water, Georgian Engineering News, #2,  pp 141-143, 2003

5. N. Sulamanidze et al, The microelement content in the waters and suspensions of the Khobi River and its tributaries, Georgian Engineering news, #3, pp 160-162, 2003

6.        N. Sulamanidze, New biogas device, Green-Venture 2003,Potsdam,Germany,  p.85

7.        N. Sulamanidze, V.Gvakharia, T.Vekua, Biogas plant, authorship certificate AP 2003 3052,  Georgia, Bulletin #5, p28, 2003




1.             FAMILY NAME:  Kanwar

2.             FIRST NAME:                      Rameshwar

3.             DATE OF BIRTH:               February 11, 1949

4.             NATIONALITY:  USA

5.             ADDRESS:                           Professor and Chair, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

                                                         104Davidson Hall,Iowa State University,Ames,Iowa 50011,USA

                                                                tel/fax: 515-294-1434, fax: 515-294-6633


6.             EDUCATION:

               Ph.D.         Agricultural Engineering (Water Resources),Iowa State University, 1981

             M.S.                  Agricultural Engineering (Irrigation & Drainage), G.B. Pant Univ. Agr. & Tech., 1975

              B.S.                  Agricultural Engineering, Pb. Agricultural University,Ludhiana, India, 1969                   


               9/2001-Present                 Department Chair                             Iowa State University

             12/1999-3/2002                Director of Iowa Water Institute      Iowa State University                                     

             1/1997-9/2001                Assistant Director of Exp. Sta.         Iowa State University

             7/1991-Present               Professor                                        Iowa State University

             7/1986-6/1991                Associate Professor                        Iowa State University

             1/1983-6/1986                Assistant Professor                          Iowa State University

              7/1981-12/1982              Instructor                                        Iowa State University

              9/1976-6/1981               Teaching/Res. Asst.                        Iowa State University

              11/1973-8/1976              Assistant Professor                         Pb. Agric. University,India

              10/1969-11/1973                      Lecturer                                         Pb. Agric. University,India

              6/1969-10/1969              Junior Engineer                               H.P.Govt.,India




R.S. Kanwar is author or co-author of more than 135 refereed journal articles, 100 proceedings papers and book chapters, and more than 200 presented papers.  Some pertinent publications are as follows


1.   Kanwar, R.S.  2002.  Water quality and chemicals. In: Food Security and Environmental Quality in
      Developing World.  Edited by R. Lal, D. Hansen,N. Uphoff, and S. Slack.  pp. 169-192. Lewis               Publishers,Washington,D.C.

2.   Chinkuyu, A.J., R.S. Kanwar, J.C. Lorimor, H. Xin, and T.B. Bailey.  2002.  Effects of laying hen           manure application rate on water quality. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 45(2):299-308.

3.    Prantner, S.R., R.S. Kanwar, J.C. Lorimor, R.M. Cruse, and C. Pederson. 2001. Management of liquid  wine manure through the use of soil infiltration and wetland system. Applied Engineering in        Agriculture 17(4):483-488.

5.   Bakhsh, A., R.S. Kanwar, D.B. Jaynes, T.S. Colvin, and L.R. Ahuja . 2000. Prediction of nitrate-nitrogen losses with subsurface drain water from manure and UAN-fertilized plots using GLEAMS.       TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 43(1): 69-77.

6.   Kanwar, R.S. Kanwar, D. Bjornberg, and D. Baker. 1999. An automated system to monitor the         quality and quantity  of shallow groundwater in artificially drained agricultural fields. Journal of       Agricultural Engineering Research 73:123-129.

10.  Mohanty, B.P. and R.S. Kanwar.  1997.  A relative-flux-correction scheme for analyzing three-dimensional data of a tile-drained agricultural plot.  Journal of Hydrology 194:107-125.

11.  Kanwar, R.S., T.S. Colvin, and D.L. Karlen.  1997.  Subsurface drain water quality under ridge and                 three other tillage systems.  Journal of Production Agriculture 10(2):227-234.

13.  Kanwar, R.S., T.S. Colvin, and S.W. Melvin.  1986.  Comparison of trenchless drain plow and

trench methods of drainage installations.  TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 29(2):456-461.

14.  Kanwar, R.S., H.P. Johnson, D. Schult, T.E. Fenton, and R.D. Hickman.  1983.  Drainage needs and returns in north centralIowa.  TRANSACTIONS of ASAE 26(2):456-464.

Form B:  Personnel Data
(For all members of the Georgian andUS team other than the Principal Investigators.  Please copy this page as necessary.)

Full Name (Last, First, Patronymic/Middle)

Supatashvili Guram

 US  Georgian Participant?

Current Position

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address



head of department of analytical and environmental chemistry


E-Mail Address


Fax Number



Highest Degree Earned and Year Awarded

PhD chemical Sci. 1993

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


Sex (Male or Female)


Passport Number

(Georgian only)

VI TИ 5607122

Classification on Project (please check one)

Researcher/Engineer  x

Technical/Scientific Support 


Administrative/Clerical Support (Georgian Only) 

Has the individual received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

            If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Does the listed individual have experience in weapons-related subjects?

Yes x


If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.


Protection of military ships from corrosion

Short Curriculum Vita (past employment experience, educational history, and relevant publications):

Employment experience:

1956-1973 – Navy forces, 1973- present – department of analytical and environmental chemistry


Education experience:

1952 – faculty of chemistry,Tbilisi State University, 1954 – Naval academy,Leningrad, 1965 – Cand.Chem Sci.


Is author of about 200 scientific papers and 5 monographs
















Full Name (Last, First Patronymic/Middle)

Gvakharia Vakhtang

 US   Georgian Participant?

Current Position

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address



expert environmentalist

Scientific firm Gamma

9 M.Alexidze str.,Tbilisi,Georgia



E-Mail Address

Fax Number

(99532) 330274





Highest Degree Earned and Year Awarded

Cand.Chem Sci., 1970

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


Sex (Male or Female)


Passport Number

(Georgian only)


Classification on Project (please check one)

Researcher/Engineer  x

Technical/Scientific Support 


Administrative/Clerical Support (FSU Only) 

Has the individual received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

            If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Does the listed individual have experience in weapons-related subjects?

Yes x


If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.


Production of Chemical Weapons

Short Curriculum Vita (past employment experience, educational history, and relevant publications):

Employment  experience: 1991-1997 Zenith Gamma Consulting Ltd, President; 1997  present Union “Ecopulse”; 1976  Head of Department ,Geological, Institute, Georgian Academy of Science; 1968-76 Researcher, Institute of Physical Chemistry ; 1963-68 Researcher, Moscow State University

Education history: 1963Tbilisi State University, Chemical Faculty; 1963 Moscow State University Post graduate assistantship; 1970 Cand Chem.Sci


Form B:  Personnel Data
(For all members of the Georgian andUS team other than the Principal Investigators.  Please copy this page as necessary.)

Full Name (Last, First, Patronymic/Middle)

Vekua Temur Iuri

 US  Georgian Participant?

Current Position

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address




Vazha Pshavela Avenue. District VII, House V;Apt. 30. 380086  Tbilisi,Georgia


E-Mail Address


Fax Number


Highest Degree Earned and Year Awarded

Candidate of Technical Sciences,1979


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


Sex (Male or Female)


Passport Number

(Georgian only)


Classification on Project (please check one)

Researcher/Engineer  x

Technical/Scientific Support 


Administrative/Clerical Support (Georgian Only) 

Has the individual received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

            If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Does the listed individual have experience in weapons-related subjects?


No x

If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.



Short Curriculum Vita (past employment experience, educational history, and relevant publications):

Employment experience: 2000 present Union “ECOTECH” Main Consultant  Machinery of  public defender Head of department; 1996 Ministry of agriculture Deputy head of department; 1993 The institute of environmental protection, Director; 1991 Ministry of environmental protection,  Deputy minister; 1984-1991 Kutaisi Polytechnical University. Chief of a chair

Education: 1979 Textileacademy ofMoscow post graduate course; 1972 Technicaluniversity ofGeorgia “Automated systems”; 1979 Candidate of technical  science thesis “Hydrodynamics of twisted tributary”















Full Name (Last, First Patronymic/Middle)

Kurdashvili Otar Giorgi

 US   Georgian Participant?

Current Position

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address




The Institute of Environmental Protection

75aChavchavadze Avenue, 380062Tbilisi,Georgia


E-Mail Address


Fax Number






Highest Degree Earned and Year Awarded

Candidate of  technical Sciences, 1984


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


Sex (Male or Female)


Passport Number

(Georgian only)


Classification on Project (please check one)

Researcher/Engineer  x

Technical/Scientific Support 


Administrative/Clerical Support (FSU Only) 

Has the individual received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

            If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Does the listed individual have experience in weapons-related subjects?

Yes x


If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.


Design and Construction of Nuclear Submarine

Short Curriculum Vita (past employment experience, educational history, and relevant publications):

Employment experience: 1961. PolytechnicInstitute ofGeorgia Faculty of Machine-building Technology; 1972 Tbilisi Pushkini Pedagogical Institute Faculty of Mathematics; 1984 Candidate of technical  sciences thesis “Hydrodynamics of twisted tributary”

Educational history: 1992 present Institute of Environmental Protection Department Chairman of Electric magnetic Fields





Form B:  Personnel Data
(For all members of the Georgian andUS team other than the Principal Investigators.  Please copy this page as necessary.)

Full Name (Last, First, Patronymic/Middle)

Stamateli Maka

 US  Georgian Participant?

Current Position

Institution Name

Complete Mailing Address




Scientific firm Gamma

9 M.Alexidze str ,Tbilisi,Georgia


E-Mail Address

Fax Number



Highest Degree Earned and Year Awarded

BSc physics

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)


Sex (Male or Female)


Passport Number

(Georgian only)

g 0216432

Classification on Project (please check one)

Researcher/Engineer  x

Technical/Scientific Support 


Administrative/Clerical Support (Georgian Only) 

Has the individual received a grant under a previous CRDF or GRDF program?


No x

            If “Yes,” please indicate program and grant number.


Does the listed individual have experience in weapons-related subjects?


No x

If “Yes,” please provide the appropriate weapons code from Appendix 2 describing this individual’s experience in the area to the right and provide a brief description of the weapons-related experience in the space below.



Short Curriculum Vita (past employment experience, educational history, and relevant publications):

Employment experience:

1996 – present- Environmentalist, food quality specialist, report co-ordinator, project manager ; 1993-1996 - Assistant professor, Department of micro-electronics,Georgian Technical University; 1992 – 1996 - Technologist, scientific research firm Gamma; 1992- present - Researcher, Lab of new semiconducting materials. GTU,Tbilisi; 1987-1992- Junior researcher, Lab of new semiconducting materials.Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi; 1983-1987 - Lab assistant, radiochemical laboratory, Dept of Solid Sate Physics, Georgian Polytechnic.

Education history:  1983 – faculty of physics, Department of Physics, GTU










Form C:  Project Budget

Applicants should refer to Section (IV)(K), “Allowable Costs” in the Program Guidelines as well as Appendix 3 “Budget Guidelines” in order to complete Budget Form C.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Expenses requested from the CRDF and GRDF

Individual Financial Support

Georgian Team


U.S. Team

Name (continue on separate sheet if necessary)

Daily Rate

Number of Days per Month (22 max.)

Number of Months


Note: Grad Student Stipends Only

Sulamanidze Nugzar






Supatashvili Guram






Gvakharia Vakhtang






Vekua Temur






Kurdashvili Otar






Stamateli Maka










Materials and Services (Please list.  All items over $1,000 must be justified in the Budget Narrative.  If more space is needed, please list on separate page.)


Note: Expendable materials & supplies only

1. Reagents













Travel (Please describe in Budget Narrative.)



Domestic Transportation



Domestic Per Diem



International Transportation (Two trips)



International Living Allowance/Per Diem



Other Travel Expenses (e.g. visa fees, conference registration fees, etc.)







Secondary Collaboration (All secondary collaborating institutions must be identified and secondary collaborators described in detail in the Budget Narrative.)


Not Applicable

Secondary Collaboration: Individual Financial Support


Not Applicable


Daily Rate

# Days per Month (22 max.)

# Months


Not Applicable

Technical staff “Khalibi” Ltd





Not Applicable






Not Applicable

Secondary Collaboration: Materials and Services (Please list.  All items over $1,000 must be justified in the Budget Narrative.  If more space is needed, please list on separate page.)


Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable

Secondary Collaboration: Travel (Please describe in Budget Narrative.)


Not Applicable

Secondary Collaboration: Institutional Support (10% of all Secondary collaborators’ expenses)


Not Applicable



Not Applicable


Other (Please describe in Budget Narrative.)








Institutional Support (exactly 10% of Georgian team subtotal)


Not Applicable



(Georgian team total = Georgian subtotal + Georgian Institutional Support)





(Please describe in Budget Narrative)



Budget Narrative

The total budget makes 35000 USD. From this amount 7000$ will go to theUS collaborator, 28000 $ will be used by the Georgian party.


The mentioned 28000$ will be distributed as follows:

  1. manufacturing and assembling of two experimental units of the biogas plant by Khalibi Ltd which is to act as contractor. This will be 7000$.This amount will be split into three parts:
    • materials for 2 bioplants- 2300$
    • financial support to the personnel: engineers and technicians – 1700$;
    • labourers – 3000$.


  1. Leading institution - NGO Ecotech will receive 2545$


  1. individual financial support to participants:

·        N.Sulamanidze -principal investigator responsible for development of technical aspects of the project –– 3000$;

·        G.Supatashvili -chief investigator – professor ofTbilisi State University –– 26000$

·        V.Gvakharia - leading investigator-2200$

·        T. Vekua – leading investigator 2200$;

·        O.Kurdashvili-investigators –2000$

·        M.Stamateli -investigators – 2000$


  1. Envisioned is the 10 day visit of the principal investigator fro Georgian side to theUS. The cost including travel, accommodation and daily allowance will make 3100$.

The cost of domestic travel will be 755$

  1. Reagents – 600$

Form D:  Other Sources Of Support Of Key Personnel
(For all members of the Georgian andUS team.  Please copy this page as necessary.)


 “None” – Check here if no other sources of support are listed.


Investigator Name



 Current         ­­­­­ Pending Submission Planned in Near Future

Project/Proposal Title


Source of Support


Award Amount


Period Covered


Location of Research




Investigator Name



 Current         ­­­­­ Pending Submission Planned in Near Future

Project/Proposal Title


Source of Support


Award Amount


Period Covered


Location of Research




Investigator Name



 Current         ­­­­­ Pending Submission Planned in Near Future

Project/Proposal Title


Source of Support


Award Amount


Period Covered


Location of Research





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