Complied   works

1. By  union(association ) "Ecotech":

1.1. The World  Bank    grant:  CGS  99.01.02
  Monitoring  of the  environmental   pollution  quality from the  farms of  animals in the  villages of  Terjola  district: Ghvankiti,Alisubani,Akhalterjola.  2000-2001.

1.2. Fund of  the third sector-"Horizont"
Work out the stable development  model  of  the river Aragvi  pond"s  regions.   2002

1.3. The  World  Bank.  Contract
N PCC-LS-F-027.
Research  and analise of the results of  flowing out  water from the  demonstrative plot ,waters and ground  sediments of  four  rivers: Khobistskali,Chanistskali,Ochkhomuri,Chogha.  2002-2003

1.4. The World Bank.  Contract 
N PCC-LS-F-029.Research  and  analize the  results of  waters  of  four  rivers:  Khobistskali,Chanistskali,Ochkhomuri,Chogha.  2003-2005

1.5. The World Bank. Grant  CGS-04-09 . "Introduction of  contrary  measures of  erosion by water   in  the  towns of  Khelvachauri  District. 2004-2005.

1.6. The World Bank.Contract  LS-F-05-186.
Monitoring of  the superficial and  ground  waters  environmental considerations  in  Chkhorotsku and Khobi  district and the  pollution of  ground and  cultivated  plants"    fruits  from  the  agricultural resources.

1.7. The Grantor - Soros Foundation. The Monitoring of the Construction of Hydroelectric Power Ptations. 2012-2013

2. By   LTD  "Ecotech"

2.1. The  World Bank.Grant CGS-04-10."Rising the productivity of  ground  by the  processed  manure in a biogas  mounting in Khobi district farm  economi".

2.2.  Ltd "Dinex 2002 "."Work out  the  recultivation project  of   IV,V and VI  districts  of    Zestaponi  ferroalloy factory"s   technogenical  layer ".2004.

2.3.  Ltd "Kamelin". "Work out the estimation project about  influencing   of  farmacological  enterprise  Ltd "kamelin "on an  environment."2005

2.4. Khobi  municipality,"Work out the project of waste yeard  of town  Khobi".2006

2.5 "Black Sea terminal", "Assessment of the noise created by Kulevi cargo terminal on the territory of Kolkheti National Park" in 2009.

2.6 SANTE GMT Ltd – “Determination of the noise levels” at GMT ‘s shops. 2010.


3.  "Kolkhida"-  the  branch of   union(association)  "Ecotech" 

3.1.The  branch "Kolkhida"  participated in execution of compiled    works   by   association "Ecotech" position and 1.6 and Ltd "Ecotech" position 2.1 and 2.4.

Scientific-technical  firm
Union (Association)   "Ecotech"

Adopted  firms

1.  Ltd  "Ecotech", founded by  union(association)  "Ecotech" in  31 March,2003.Resolution of Isani-Samgori  district court 
Identifical  code: 206126869
Address: Apt. 3; Chichinadze str.#21; Tbilisi
Director:  Nugzar Sulamanidze. Tel:  (+995 32) 2 30-47-00
Bank:  TBC   Bank;  Account  Number  100 467 434
2. "Kolkhida",khobi  branch of  union(association)  "Ecotech".Is  founded in  13   february,2004.Resolution of  Khobi  District Court  
Identifical  code: 244562692
Address: Sulkhan-Saba  str.; 
N 14; Khobi
Director:  Vakhtang  Gergaia , Tel.:  (+995 5) 55 15 26 55
Organizing  and  making  experimental  and  theoretical  researches  in the  field of  Ecology.
Founded on  25 August,2000,Resolution of Vake-Saburtalo  court   
Identifical code:   204953381
Address:  apt.  30; building  5b ; block 7; Vazha-Pshavela ave.;Tbilisi . Tel:(+995 32) 2 30-47-00

Chief:  Nugzar Sulamanidze.  Tel: (+995 5) 51 61 44 16.

Bank:   TBC    Bank,  Account Number   3700594
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